A GameChange Athlete plays for the joy of the game we love. Our sweat makes us smile. A GameChange Athlete demonstrates positivity, vulnerability, grittiness and authenticity. We are kind, humble, selfless, and focus on the team above ourselves.
We’re insanely positive.
We know the game is won in our minds before it’s won on the field. This confidence comes from doing the work, often when no one is watching.
We believe that change is good, life is a miracle, and that a positive attitude will lead us to victory, on and off the field.
Rather than letting defeats paralyze us, we focus on our strengths and passions, trusting that the process will lead us to getting better.
We’re vulnerable — willing to face our challenges with courage.
We look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
We’re open about our struggles. We ask for help and believe our vulnerability is the glue that connects us with others.
We dream big, scary dreams that make our stomach’s churn. In giving ourselves permission to fail, we give ourselves the opportunity to succeed.
We’re gritty.
We don’t believe in overnight success. Instead, we find joy in the process of becoming our best selves and never giving up.
We train to become the best versions of ourselves, not someone else. We see failure as an essential part of success.
We embrace defeats as opportunities to grow. Our resilience is our strength.
We are uniquely authentic.
We’re authentic in all we do, refusing to allow the expectations of others to mold our dreams.
From the star player to the field manager, we know everyone has unique gifts they can add to the team. We appreciate and celebrate the authentic contributions of all.
We step up when there’s conflict, standing up to allow others to be themselves, even when they’re wearing the other color jersey.
Our kindness, humility and selflessness are what make us a GameChange Athlete!
We view kindness as a strength and not a weakness. It is kindness that makes our team (and the world) much better.
Our humility allows us to do all the little things that others won’t and leading by this example is what creates a championship culture.
We live to serve others, whether they’re on our team, the opposition, or in our community. In doing so, we know we’ll live fulfilled lives.
We have a #GameChangeMindset
We are a #GameChangeAthlete
We are a #GameChangeTeam
We are the #GameChangeNation
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